Sunday 20 April 2008

Unlikely Friends..

There are three permanent residents in the field. Heather and the two ponies, Cookie and Ouzo. During the week most of the school ponies are turned out with them, plus some of the other horses. So it's interesting to see who gets on with who. Heather is without doubt an Alpha mare and probably considers herself top of the pecking order. She remains very standoff-ish from most of the herd...or else they just keep out of her way! She monopolises the best food source and sees off any not worthy to eat with her. Quick to move others on with an evil face or a warning salvo of hind hooves!
So it's puzzling that her shadow in the field is the smallest pony...Ouzo! They do look a very odd pair around together. I'm wondering if Heather thinks Ouzo is a long lost foal? Or more likely doesn't see her as a threat to her status. Ouzo definately benefits from a degree of protection, but is no pushover herself. I have seen them come to blows, well Heather lunges and bites at Ouzo, but often gets a rain of pony kicks in return, which she just seems to accept.
Ouzo also has learned that I feed Heather. That I also might have a spare carrot or two. So the other evening when I went to call H in...wasn't surprised to see Ouzo heading for me from across the far left of the field. No sign of Heather at first..perhaps slightly out of earshot. She eventually came into sight from round the corner, well behind Ouzo. She pricked her ears, whinnied whilst throwing two big bucks and a bronc and burst into canter. She soon caught up with Ouzo, baring teeth as she went and accelerated into a very unbalanced closing in on the gate....! All the others in the field were in the far right corner...till now. Every one of them now heading full speed at the gate too. So the inevitable crazy crash happened and a big fight broke out....but was all over just as quickly. I was just relieved that they all stopped. But so good to see her move like that and not to get a bad reaction following.
In fact since, I've trotted her up a couple of times...just slow and short steps, but she almost looks sound. I'm so pleased because for a while she didn't seem to be improving much. It's now over ten weeks since she was kicked and crippled. So with the recent progress I'm thinking my guess-timate of rideable in June is still possible. So I feel confident enough now to show some pics I took on our last ride, the day before her injury.
We'd crossed the green bridge and turned left along the river to Kickety Brook, where we had a nice leisurely trot. I was still slightly sore from my fall and the ground was not good either. If I'd known what was to happen the next day, I'd have stayed out longer with her. As it was on our way home the way was blocked by a digger loading a lorry noisily with earth. We stood off and she waited patiently. Even when we were hemmed in by a dumper truck, chugging away behind!
So I'm looking forward to riding her again sometime, hopefully in the next couple of months, when perhaps the weather might turn warmer. I'm waiting for Spring to break into blossom. It seems every tree and bush is just waiting to burst into life...just waiting for a warm day!!

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