Sunday 23 December 2007

Our Christmas Ride...

This time of year always seems so busy. Christmas is knocking on the door and I'm forever unprepared for it. I've never been able to get myself organised in advance, that'd be cheating and to me, diluting that festive feeling. However the mad rush and crush, that comes anywhere near something resembling a shop at this time of year, has me quickly beating a retreat! Consequently I'm not very good with presents and cards. Which doesn't mean that I don't like this time of year. I just wish it was less of a frenzy and competition.

Since my last post, the weather has turned cold. Jack frost has been a regular visitor. The lake which formed in the bottom field shrank to a decent pond size. Now it has frozen solid and the kids are sliding on it! Horses and ponies fortunately seem to be giving it a wide berth!

This week has been the London Horse Show at Olympia. I managed to catch some of it on television. This is my original inspiration and interest in horses. Years ago, on Winter's nights like these. I remember sitting next to the Christmas tree in the huge living room in the family home. Log fire roaring, probably with homework to do. But for some reason I loved watching the show jumping. Perhaps it was fun to see the odd rider fall initially. Nothing like a few spills to get the interest up! But later I think I began to appreciate the horses movement. All that power, with grace. There is something so magical about a good horse and rider combination. So even now with my enhanced knowledge. When I watched the other night, I was not looking at details. I was looking through the eyes of a fourteen year old boy, innocently enjoying the show.

Back in those days I did dream of someday riding out along the river banks near home on cold frosty mornings. Recently I've realised these dreams. I still sometimes have to pinch myself. However, dreams are just that. In reality frost, ice and horses are not the best mixture. So I've been keeping a weather eye out for a chance to ride. Both the outdoor schools have been frozen solid. The indoor used almost exclusively for lessons. So when the forecast was for rain, then clearing, yesterday afternoon. I made sure I got on with my Christmas duties before.

Was grey, cold and wet. But the rain had melted the ice and frost as I tacked Heather up. She hadn't been ridden for six days, with very limited turnout. So was hoping she'd be nice and light. Dressed her up in her hi-vis rain sheet and off we went...

Down the lane from the yard, the ice in the puddles had melted. The top layer of mud was soft, but there were still frozen ruts beneath. So we just walked, giving her stiff legs a chance to loosen up. Nice to see some of the Winter visiting birds like Redwing taking advantage of all the ripe berries on offer. The wet Summer seems to have been good for something after all..

We followed the Banky Meadow route. Along the sandy track, which runs next to the Carrington Spur, a very busy A road. Heather got a little bit giddy and for a few moments had me slightly concerned. I'm not used to being on a flighty animal. Usually I'm having to try for every step. I think the noise of the traffic was the turning point for her. Suddenly started jogging with her head held high. When I put leg on she did a mini buck, bronced off her fore legs and gave a little squeel!! We had a bit of sideways and some more jogging and squeeling. Took quite a while before she settled. Fortunately we meet no cars on the road to the rugby club.

Went to visit the youngsters who are still in their unofficial paddock. They still look as good as could be expected for being out with no attention. The grass in there field looks poor now though. On the outside I let H graze for a while, while I took in the Winter scenery. The Sun starting to set below a clearing sky. Geese flew overhead and the Moon started to rise up from the opposite direction. Time to head home, where before long, the yard turned to ice. So we did well to get out as we did. I'm working through Christmas, so this was really our Christmas ride...another good one. No two rides are ever the same..just the way I like it.

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