I've put her back onto more or less Winter feed regime...it's all I can do to try and keep her weight on. I've been trying a new fly repellent idea from Your Horse magazine..a tablespoon of Kerosene in a gallon of water. I think the flies are very determined! Has made her mane and tail nice though! After a chat at the yard with Sandra, it seems the Chemist in Asda still sells Citronella oil. So we're now back on the old fly formula! Only wish the rain would stop rinsing my efforts away.
I've ridden her for an hour or so each of the last four days. Just out and about locally. She's been good. She walked at a pace today..always difficult for her..she prefers to trot slowly! I've asked for more canter and she's willing and even picked up on the right-hand lead when asked a couple of times. Perhaps because I've given her plenty of grass snack breaks, she's also quite happy to be told where to go, even if it did mean not going home quite when she thought she should. Has this "witch" finally realised I'm in charge. I never thought she was naughty or evil. I've taken all opinions and suggestions on board and mixed them with my own and somewhere a couple of years down the road, think I've got a good idea of what this horse is all about!!
We're on another tub of the NAF Shake Relief and so far no result! I'm starting to wonder whether the fact that Heather is living out and constantly in bright light and exposed to flies, is making her symptoms worse? So even though I'm cursing all this rain, perhaps it's a blessing for her! Seeing that her leg injury seems settled, perhaps it's time to start riding in the indoor school again. She hardly head shakes in there. All for next week, I'm back in work tomorrow, but at least I know tonight she's on good grass, after the breakout, they were moved to a temporary enclosure at the back..fewer flies too!
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