Friday 2 November 2007

Last Nights Riding

I've been riding on a Thursday night, in the same group for quite a while. Originally I took lots of private, one to one lessons. These really saw me off to a very good start and my early instructor, at that time pushed me quite hard. However after a while I began to wonder about riding in a group.

Various reasons. Although in myself I reject serious, hard headed competition. Without a doubt I have a very competitive streak in me. This is a constant dilema for me. The reluctant winner. Yes sums me up nicely! So I wanted a yardstick as to how good I actually was. Also the one to one lessons were very, very intense. Watching a few group lessons from outside. Realised that the focus was only on one rider at a time. Plenty of time to catch your breath and watch someone else.!! Most of all it looked like more fun than I was having...quite sociable.

Of course it didn't help that I was joining a group with all female riders. Who all knew each other. Making me feel more self concious. So I really did feel a little out of place at first. Once on board my horse for that lesson I can remember soon getting into the riding and wondering what all my silly reservations had been about. Haven't looked back since. Made some very good friends too.

Last nights lesson was a little different. I had originally cancelled, for a rare chance to see a band in town. Singer got a sore throat! So quickly got my place back in the lesson. Turned out to be only four of us as opposed to the usual seven or eight. With one new rider! How I know the feeling...
We were in the smaller back arena. Which meant Heather and in turn I, were going to be working hard. The smaller the arena, the more turning and flexing.

She warmed up nicely. While I've been working the last four days, she's had good rest and turnout. So it was nice to find her quite responsive. Once cantering, she didn't really want to stop. So had to keep her calm for once. An hour is a long time for her. Didn't want to burn her all out. Most importantly she cantered on her much weaker right rein. She picked up the correct lead nearly every time. We even cantered a 20 metre circle on that rein. So again, more progress. I must remember that in the hard moments of schooling alone...the seeds are being sown for better things. Keep pushing on. This horse continues to surprise and delight me. I love this. She needed a good towelling down after. Really seemed to enjoy the massage that came with trying to dry her off!

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