Friday 2 November 2007

Moving about a bit

I've had my unicycle for about a month, I suppose. At first it seemed that this was going to be an impossible task. Could hardly get near the thing, let alone sit on it! My first tentative wobbles were made in the secrecy of my flat...late at night! Talking this through with someone at work. They were amazed at my stupidity. Reminding me that I live on the second floor, with floor to ceiling windows!! So the image of me crashing through the window, followed by the one wheeled thing put even me off!

I've become quite skilled in eyeing up good places to practice. Not only do I look for good level surfaces, but equally important, I'm after privacy. I suppose pride should really go out the window when wielding a unicycle. Really there's nothing at all serious about it. However my pride gets in the way of just letting go. Don't weant to look a complete fool.

I have taken to rattling along the garages at the back. So ineveitably I've been seen by my neighbours. The ones that know me, laugh and ask the usual sort of things. "Couldn't you afford the other wheel", being a favourite. The people who don't know me, daren't look me in the eye and talk in worried whispers. Which all goes to add to the fun of the thing.

I only ever practice for five minutes or so at a time. Takes longer for a mid lifer like myself to wire my body and brain to the new reactions and sensations. So in reality I've hardly spent more than a couple of hours on it. Still I'm making progress. I have so far attained one complete revolution, which probably translates to ten feet travelled, before the inevitable topple. I can't report any serious mishaps or accidents, and the local hospitals have been stood down from their alert state.

All in all I'm enjoying the distraction of learning to master this most useless contraption. Looking forward to being able to show off sometime. There is something so dis-arming about its charm.

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