Sunday 4 May 2008

1st BBQ of the Year..!!

Saturday was such a lovely warm day. Came home via the shops for something or other. Think I was looking for inspiration for eating later on. The thought of food is rarely far from my mind, but for some reason it was in the green grocers that I thought "BBQ tonight!" Quickly calculated up that I had nearly everything somewhere or other, including food. Which is what I was in the greengrocers for, salad, of course!
Sent a couple of texts and left a message here or there. Rattled around in the back of the garage and found the barbie looking rusty, but ready. Shoke out the spiders and woodlice. Found some briquettes, from two years ago..last Summer was so wet, I hadn't even opened the bag I bought then! Firelighters and dry-ish wood. Soon had it all stoked up and a lovely little fire crackling away by my feet as I savoured a cool beer...ahh!
Ended up being just me Jim and Jos. Could have been more and a good party, but even if it was just me it would not have mattered. There's something so basic and earthy about having food cooked outside, after a cold wet Winter! Last years re-frozen burgers got eaten as did plenty of German and Polish sausage. Downed with more of any sort of beer and even some Normandy cider. Jos grabbed the camera and caught a true to life snap of the brothers...towards the end of getting stuffed. Have to add Jim had just returned from a week of kayaking his way round Northumberlands coastal pubs!!
What better way to end off an evening like this. Throw a few twigs on the embers and enjoy a few tales by the fire. I'm looking forward to plenty more impromtu BBQ's this year. There seems no point in organising them in advance, the weather usually wins. I'll just make sure the fridge is stocked and the wood is dry...

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