Thursday 25 October 2007

Another Good Horse Day...

I need to write while this is all so fresh...I've been looking forward to today since last Thursday..a week!

Mel has been taking lessons with Ange through the Summer. She's really coming on as a rider. I know how it is in these earlier days. Barely getting one lesson a week, it's difficult sometimes to feel you're progressing. But Mel has done so and now really has to only keep going. She's got the basics and now like me, just has to keep putting in the effort and polishing everything up.

A grey Autumn day...but perfect for riding. No rain, bit chilly, but not cold! Mel started her lesson on Flossie. In the meantime I got Heather ready. The idea being for me to escort Mel on her first hack from the yard after her lesson with Ange. Took H into the indoor and warmed her up. My first time on in four days. No big fight needed today. She's got the wind in her sails...perfect. Unfortunately, after her lesson, Flossie has come up with her old injury to her back and a never healing sore. Poor horse really needs a Mummy or Daddy..she's not on loan at the moment. So doesn't get the pampering needed to sometimes ease the life of one of the schools more used horses.

For a few brief moments I think we're sunk. Then Ange suggests Mel rides Wilma out. Before I can blink, Mel is alongside me onboard. H is happy to lead off the yard..almost eager and we're on our way! With only half an hour we go down towards the canter field. I can't believe how comfortable Mel is on a horse she's never been on before and riding out for the first time. As we turn for home, after some walk and trot, it's Mel who asks if we can canter!! All goes so smoothly and Mel looks so comfortable and happy. This has been a great morning...

In tonights lesson, I'm back on Heather for the first time in three weeks. If she hasn't wasted too much energy in the field during the day, I know she'll go well. She doesn't disappoint. Yes I wear my little short plastic spurs, but she doesn't fight. Goes off the leg and makes an effort. She's got energy and even makes a reasonable attempt at leg yielding. I have been practising on the way home on hacks! She canters without question on the left rein. However she still doesn't like the right rein. Must keep working on this side. Oh, thought it was a lesson for me...In a way it was. As much as learning from a good schoolmaster is valuable. Riding a lesser accomplished horse and getting results, no matter how small, is so rewarding. This is riding...and I'm so proud to be able to think that I've earned that title. I think everyone enjoyed their lesson tonight. Felt so good to take part. Can't wait till tomorrow to ride again!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've never seen a horse will such a long face !
Just beautiful

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