Friday 26 October 2007

Fitter, Stronger, Faster...

After last nights lesson success, there's no way that we're going to school today. A nice hack for both of us, with perhaps a little test or two along the way to keep things interesting. Sometimes wonder if she isn't thinking the same thing...

One thing I do want to work on though is her one sided-ness. Which became even more evident in last nights lesson. She finds it very difficult to canter on the right rein. Her trot is also very stiff on this side.

Soon crossing the green bridge, always a nervy place. We turned right to head towards Kickety Brook. My plan was to take her round the route clockwise. Split from the loop and take her up to TGI Fridays bridge, then back homeward along the banks. Then instead of home, head round the Banky Meadow route. So plenty of potential sticking points.

Her attitude and willing could hardly be faulted.She was eager and mostly had ears pricked and legs striding forward. We had plenty of canter attempts. However out of at least the ten I counted only one correct lead picked up on her right. Not very good. I was giving the clearest aids, even a little flick on her near hind quarter as I asked. Most times I pulled her back and asked again. Though considering where we were just a short while ago. Just to have her cantering willingly in a direction away from home is still some achievment.

She hardly noticed when we left the loop and headed up towards Fridays. Within seconds we were rocketing along the banks. Pulled her back..asked again..wrong leg!!! Never mind, this is fun..lets goooo!! Her fitness is so much better. She just flies smoothly. There's a Heron standing on the bank further up. Takes off and flies above, landing back in the same spot after we've passed. Not that I'm looking backwards at this point. I have to pull her up, or else we join the Manchester bound A56!

Same on the return. She doesn't need asking twice. In fact for the first time ever I have a little trouble slowing her. I took her off the banks and into a scary little wood that runs parallel. So by the time we came back onto the banks, we'd both had a chance to settle.

Back over the green bridge and the big test. My readiness for a struggle was wasted. She put her feet in toffee for a few strides, but nothing firm leg applied couldn't overcome. So off towards Banky Meadow..away from home again. This horse is coming on in leaps and bounds. I'm so pleased with her. So pleased with myself, because I really have done the donkey work. I've put my trust in her and at last it's all starting to really come together.

She needs a clip. A year ago we were standing still and never worked up more than me being red faced! With all this cantering and fun, she sweats up quickly. So we walked the rest of the way. A chance to enjoy being out in the Autumn air on horseback. I love that gentle rythm of a horses walk, when there's no fighting or pushing on. Some of the leaves have fallen and there are berries ripe for the birds. Squirrels toing and froing, far too busy to be bothered by us and some of the leaves have finally turned colour. Back home, I towel her dry..with some initial objection, which gives way to a blissful lip quiver! Turned her out and she stayed at the gate...silly mare. What a great day.

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