Saturday 20 October 2007

Fantastic Horse, Brilliant Day..

Last night after my paddling exploits, took Heather out on a lovely short sunset hack. Back on the yard, bumped into Claire. Arranged to meet up and look for adventure!!What a brilliant day to go out! This Autumn weather is so good. So after a chilly start, it's tee shirts and if I wasn't riding, I'd be thinking of putting shorts on. After a short chat, we both agreed on trying to reach Chorlton Waterpark. Has been my long-term goal for this Summer, really only thwarted by lameness and headshaking. Good enough reasons, I suppose! This is going to be a long ride, about 17kms round trip. Taking both Heather and Garfield into unknown territory.
Within a short time a pattern of riding emerged. For whatever reason, Heather is so difficult to ride in company. She will really hold back and not be pushed to the front to lead. Unfortunately Garfield, the "bomber", is uncertain and will not cross horse styals or the green bridge. So a compromise sees Claire and me, leap-frogging at the appropriate places, these two odd horses. When we get to something to scary for Garfield, I push Heather, he follows. Then once passed, he goes in front. I did read somewhere that an Alpha mare, as she is, would naturally lead the herd from further back, pushing the others on...instead of asking them to follow. Maybe this is what is happening with her.

However we made steady progress, overcoming the long tunnel, short tunnels, all manner of bridges. Including the wooden bridge at Chorlton Waterpark, where there are gaps in the beams where the neds can look through at the river below! We took the advise on the sign and lead...not easily across. Even brave H took a distinct distrust to such a precarious looking and sounding construction.

We found two long sections of lower bank, where the ground and turf were perfect. We enjoyed probably the best cantering conditions I've had. Perfect, blue sky, willing horse bowling along effortlessly on a lovely surface. This was my longest, most memorable ride to date and I'm really buzzing. Again we had to do a staggered start. Garfields little legs are no match for Heathers all out long canter stride, but he gets too excited being overtaken. So at each canter I let Claire go ahead, whilst trying to hold H back a while. It's all I can do to keep her from galloping! But again we manage and I've just kept her short of breathing too hard as we get to the end.

This has been a perfect ride and makes all the hard work I've done in the last year, worthwhile. This is my dream!! I'm livin' it....

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